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XXIX Expoagroalimentaria Guanajuato

XXIX Expoagroalimentaria Guanajuato

From 12 to 15 November we took part in the 29th edition of Expoagroalimentaria Guanajuato (Mexico), the most important sectoral fair in Latin America. This participation is part of the SUAVE urban agriculture project (, and was coordinated by the FEMAC cluster ( in the form of group participation. We would like to highlight the large number of leads generated by this event and the support of our distributors in Toluca and Chiapas.

on 18-11-2024
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Biostimulants against salt and drought stresskeep reading
Expoagroalimentaria Guanajuato México Biostimulantskeep reading
C/. Cervantes s/n 25100 Almacelles - LLEIDA - SPAIN
+34 973 741 350 | +34 695 556 730
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